Twenty things about me ready set go.....
1. I love finding dessert in the microwave. I sometimes even check even if its not in there just hoping that maybe put something in there be surprise
2. I think I have more guy friends then girl friends....why i have no idea
3. I have to sleep with the window open even if it is freezing cold just so i can snuggle up in a blanket to sleep
4. I sleep like an infant a pillow for my head and then one on each side. I can't sleep with out the pillows that way
5. I hate getting gas. It seriously puts me in a bad mood all that money gone so quickly it is just upsetting.
6. I hate school. Literally hate school but i wont give up till i am done.
7. I love books. I would quit life and just stay home and read. I love staying up to the late hours just to finish a book.
8. I am almost positive i am addict to face book.
9. I am even more positive that i am still addict to Pepsi.
10. As of now i am going to school to get my degree in child education and from there hopefully become a health teacher.
11. I can quote a lot of movies.... I mean a lot
12. I love getting my hair done. I love feeling this new born self confidence when i am done. And i also love that i sit there at chat it up with my hair dresser like sisters.
13. I love and hate that i have a big brother. He is some times so loving and caring and sometimes he makes fun of me and i want to kick him in his leg
14. Sometimes i think why do i need friends when i have SO MANY SISTERS! to hang out with. Then i realize that none of them will come out and play with me after nine.
15. I love my parents. My dad has become my new friend and i love that he is a stay at home dad now. I love my mom cause she looks forward to Saturdays most weekend cause we run errands together.
16. I love the church and the difference that it makes in my life.
17. I love my calling as much as it stresses me out. I love to see people enjoy them selves.
18. I am sacred for the future but I am excited to see what is going to come
19. The last six months have been the most difficult, happy, sad, freaked out, back and forth months so far.
20. Finally i am a hypocrite. I get so mad at people when they don't blog but i never do.
Wow that's giving you readers alot to process. I know that I am the worst blogger ever. But seriously I have nothing to really blog about so for those that check my blog every day waiting for something new here it is ( not to sound cocky or anything).