Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Look at me i blogged!

Twenty things about me ready set go.....
1. I love finding dessert in the microwave. I sometimes even check even if its not in there just hoping that maybe put something in there be surprise
2. I think I have more guy friends then girl friends....why i have no idea
3. I have to sleep with the window open even if it is freezing cold just so i can snuggle up in a blanket to sleep
4. I sleep like an infant a pillow for my head and then one on each side. I can't sleep with out the pillows that way
5. I hate getting gas. It seriously puts me in a bad mood all that money gone so quickly it is just upsetting.
6. I hate school. Literally hate school but i wont give up till i am done.
7. I love books. I would quit life and just stay home and read. I love staying up to the late hours just to finish a book.
8. I am almost positive i am addict to face book.
9. I am even more positive that i am still addict to Pepsi.
10. As of now i am going to school to get my degree in child education and from there hopefully become a health teacher.
11. I can quote a lot of movies.... I mean a lot
12. I love getting my hair done. I love feeling this new born self confidence when i am done. And i also love that i sit there at chat it up with my hair dresser like sisters.
13. I love and hate that i have a big brother. He is some times so loving and caring and sometimes he makes fun of me and i want to kick him in his leg
14. Sometimes i think why do i need friends when i have SO MANY SISTERS! to hang out with. Then i realize that none of them will come out and play with me after nine.
15. I love my parents. My dad has become my new friend and i love that he is a stay at home dad now. I love my mom cause she looks forward to Saturdays most weekend cause we run errands together.
16. I love the church and the difference that it makes in my life.
17. I love my calling as much as it stresses me out. I love to see people enjoy them selves.
18. I am sacred for the future but I am excited to see what is going to come
19. The last six months have been the most difficult, happy, sad, freaked out, back and forth months so far.
20. Finally i am a hypocrite. I get so mad at people when they don't blog but i never do.

Wow that's giving you readers alot to process. I know that I am the worst blogger ever. But seriously I have nothing to really blog about so for those that check my blog every day waiting for something new here it is ( not to sound cocky or anything).


  1. Ha ha - I love it! Sorry I can't come out and play after 9, people frown on leaving your kids home alone even if they are sleep! And leaving dessert in the microwave that is a "Busath thing" according to Brian :)

  2. When you said you hate getting gas I thought you meant body gas...you know farts, then I read on

  3. 2. We figured this out sam... its cause girls are annoying. ;)

    4. I have figured this out first hand, I thought you were worried I was going to touch you haha

    8. I am seriously getting sick of facebook... no joke!!

    11. "10 and a half 11 in crocks." Fired up reference LOVE IT!

    13. At least your big brother doesnt play dress up in your closet :)

    20. Thanks goodness (Inside joke... I miss Casey) you blogged cause I have been checking for weeks to see when you would.

  4. Give me enough notice and I'll stay out later. But then the Gip and Hooch will have to stay home. Chad thinks it is crazy that I put our treats in the microwave, but that is where they go. I hated school too- my motto was similar: just get it done. Maybe that is why I don't facebook- I don't have time for an addiction. I like mom and dad too.

  5. That is very interesting about #1. Dessert in the microwave? :)

    I was cracking up at #5 because I thought the same thing Katie did.
