Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Today in class we had to do a lifesaver list. It was things that save you or things that you would die if they were not in your life. So here is my lifesaver list and it could not include people or just a random object like pillows or blankets.
1. The smell of clean baby or new baby
2. Memorial Day camping trip
3. A random I love you from some one
4. Dessert in the microwave
5. Dimples
6. Children Laughter
7. Trips Home
8. Holding Hands
9. Sunday Dinner
10. Getting My Hair Done

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

If you need something to do.

Up at school I am taking a children lit class which is basically me reading a billion children books. Our "text book" for this class is called "The Read Aloud Handbook" by Jim Trelease. This book is all about the importance of reading out loud to children and about what books can do for children growing up. I have enjoyed this so much that I thought I would share it will you. So if you ever wonder if you should read to your children or is it really worth it... it is!! I would urge all to read this book its very inspiring and will make you want to read to your kids every night starting from day one.